Thursday, February 3, 2011

Invisible U.S Army Soldier?

This video is relatively not well known but shows something very amazing. It was captured by militants in the middle east probably in Afghanistan or Iraq, but they captured what they labeled as a soldier wearing a secret invisibility suit. When I first saw the video I was like holy crap, looks like one of those video game special effects making you invisible. Knowing the powerhouse and technology from U.S Army this may well be already a common use in the war over there but kept top secret. Besides if they are almost invisible it would be pretty hard to capture it on camera for the rest of the world to see. I personally believe its no doubt a special suit for the military and its awesome. See the vid below courtesy of militants spying on some U.S soldiers.

Its just a matter of time before that suit from the game "Crysis" starts rolling out.


Duped said...

I can't wait to order my Crysis suit... in bright yellow.

Master Maniacal said...

Nice, I just don't know which is going to come first the full sized autonomous robot army or a super secret stealth army

scratchblog said...

Eh, I doubt it. Probably just a mirage or something.

Ravelizard said...

you better not lie about this :D

Mr. Hate said...

I like! I wish i could get one of these for girls bathroom or something. Following and supporting daily!

ERRÆL said...

I kind of busted at the thought of a crysis suit.

Rabidmoose said...

That is pretty damn cool, thanks for sharing.

krgrief said...

I thought this was like a reflecting mirror or something of the sorts? Anyways, cool! Following.

r00b said...

nano suit!

BlogTroll said...

I think the cost of the suit would be too high for general military

jake7291 said...

i hope that this is an actual real video
looking forward to more

Insomnizack said...

I knew Snake was real. I knew it.

WorldCraft said...

Lol, that is so wacky! He should have just stayed still!

Gw2guides said...

Holy crap if this is real.

tadpole said...

no way!

Neuro said...

Crazy...skeptical but if true that would be incredible.

Jimmy Fungus said...

Ahhh, I remember the good old days of warfare where if you wanted to be hidden you would just get Merlin the magician to have one of his dragons weave a mist.

What a wonderful world said...

Terminator is finally back.

murz90 said...

OMG, there is so many thing I would do with suit like that :D

shadi said...

it is not real somebody do it in after effects
nice post

Plansetas said...

quite interesting video right here, but i am not sure if this is actually true.

Rankulus said...

Heh. THats both interesting and scary at the same time. The rate at which technology is evolving is quite mindblowing really...

Rose said...

double u tee eff

Hydrax said...

Holy crap. That is awesome and scary at the same time.. wow

Gamerman's Gaming Blog said...

Thanks for showin' me this.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be fun to see what happens in coming wars. Well, assuming everyone doesn't start flinging nukes at one another.

Anonymous said...

Im scared of the future now :(

dubmixt said...

what the fugggg

my day in a sentence said...

Crysis first came to mind! :D
Following and supporting!

Anonymous said...

looks pretty cool, can't wait till they perfect it though


tangerine nectarine lemons said...



Anonymous said...

I bet its some secret weapon development. In before there's invisible warfare.

followign and supporting you bro. Check out my blog.

The Dynamic Trend said...

The idea scares me. >.>

Jeremy said...

Sweet video, I'll have to check back and see what you post next!

xazbaschboss said...

Woahhhhh. Insane in the membrane. Seriously cool though, you think the military will take my call?

Sharia said...

omg thats awesome!!

What a wonderful world said...

No more updates ?

Raw said...

That's crazy!

Anonymous said...

Stealth camo, otacon was telling the truth! lol

Shockwave said...

Its like active camo from halo... but better :O

Josh Jackson said...

This is awesome!

level85nerd said...

the future is here. said...

its exactly like the movie : hollow man !

PMG ChecK said...

Only time will tell when Ironman himself comes along

rego87 said...

There's a new link on the BBC website that talks about a new form of stealth. Maybe the U.S government have already put it into action

Chris Maley said...

Invisibility is theoretically possible by bending light around an object.

I think it has more use in safety than anything else, giving pilots a better view beneath them or.. i hesitate to mention.. female drivers more parking success :p

Bassislv said...

holy crap! wow! but i believe in this

Kara Blahdy said...

Niceeeeeeeeeeeee then again i may be high!

Mike said...

wow is that really? thats s$%*

Anonymous said...

well thats just gonna drive up my paranoia for sure. thank you for the video

Jack said...

wow that would be useful!!

thatredmage said...

Wow, thats pretty scary. D:

Dan said...

I have Ninja Pro. Damn noob.

But seriously, that was pretty awesome.

The Spotlight said...

It would be great in our hands, but if another country got this type of equipment =x

jopjopjop said...

wtf? looks like a ninja to me

Disser2 said...

That might be photoshopped...

DJ Blay said...

I think the guy wasn't coming from in front the wall, he was behind it.

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