Friday, February 11, 2011

Creepy Ass Japanese Robot Baby (Afetto)

 Robot Rising

Japanese researchers have or better yet, are building this creepy ass hell robot baby to study cognitive movement. Asada’s team, which are the inventors and builders, came up with "Affetto", which can produce a wide range of facial expressions by moving actuators in its face which create the creepy facial movements. It can look inquisitive, happy, surprised, upset and more, by tilting its eyebrows, moving its jaw, panning its eyes and tilting its head. Its eyeballs are equipped with cameras and it has microphones and tactile sensors embedded in its silicone skin,giving this thing a pretty realistic appearance.This project is playing an effort to develop a full bodied robot that resembles a human as most realistically as possible. In my other post you see what our future world may look like and if your a fan of this setting you can thank Japanese researchers for doing so.

You can read more here.


Jace said...

that's the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

Thuganomics said...

urghh they are sure getting more and more realistic

Dan said...

That's so awesome!

Neuro said...

Japanese always come up with the best stuff!

Ion762 said...

Oh japan won't you learn this will lead to your doom!

Anonymous said...

Scary... oO
I dont like robots at all but that one was pretty impressive.

Zennith said...

The more human like a robot gets, the more uncomfortable I get with it...

Bobby Jenkins said...

would be scarred if this took off

rocknrollcrazy said...

i watched something on TV a long time back about this when it was still under development, didn't look as lifelike as this though

ScottD said...

pure fail. we should be creating sex robots

lumineko said...

dot dot dot... It will enter my dreams and haunt me.

Stuff that matters, stuff that don't said...

Creepy. Whatever will the Japanese think of next?

LordOfDirt said...

Uncanny valley never fails.

Quasar green said...

god damn androids

Bobby Jenkins said...

Androids are taking over.

Anonymous said...

it is looking good.
But creeps me like "big baby in toystory3"

Fktrctq said...


doingitwrong said...

this is disturbing...

Jordan said...


Anonymous said...

We seriously need to stop those Japanese people and their robots. This is just getting ridiculous.

PahGresty said...

looks cool

Learnin' German Admin said...

looks creepy, but somehow realistic...

Warlaw said...

JAPAN!!! They really like creepy humanoid robots for some reason haha. Great blog btw, following!

Bassislv said...

holy sh**, what will they do next?

Tasos said...

oh sh-! indeed creepy!

Jeff C. said...

Japan redefines creepy

Rose said...

good ol japan

Wolfdog said...

I am not sure if i am trusting the japan right now. those are just a little creepy

Scott said...

Wow, these things get better and better every day. It was only a month ago or so that I saw an article on some women robots the Japanese made which I thought were pretty good. This blows them out of the water though!

Spiderflaw said...

I remember seeing they made a robot secretary in japan that can show emotion as well!

Spongeworthy said...

What has science done

Giulzz said...

Haha, japan are at the forefront of everything. And I'd have to agree with the "creepy" part of the title! Thanks for the post.

Improve your Vocab! said...

well, i know what i'm going to be having nightmares about for a while now.

Dr.Thrax said...

One thing comes to mind, I Robot

obi said...

that is proper creepy...

Obi-wan Mikenobi said...

Every robot the Japanese make is always creepy, I don't care how complex and intellegent it is. Rule one should be to reduce the creep factor down to safe levels!

Mr. Rogers said...

man, when the japanese have those things walking around ill be hiding inside

Unknown said...

Very VERY creepy

shadi said...

i liked this robot,motion of eyes and mouth is real.

Joe Somebody said...

That thing is going to give me nightmares.

Wobbles said...

Okay... Wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyways... O_O

Jacob said...

That is creepy

Jcache said...

Whoa...that thing is freaking sketchy. I hope some horror movies jump on this technology!

jonwinters said...

i didn't think it was that creepy!

Brendan McCarty said...

aaahh that was gross!

Marcus Silva said...

Seems pretty normal for japan. I wonder when they'll turn it into a sex doll, or have girls wearing heels crush its head.

Romanos T. said...

that was creepy indeed :/

mtn said...

wha that creeped me out!

Anonymous said...

That is SO creepy man and this comes from a Zerg player. It takes a lot to creep me out. :P

Anonymous said...

That robot baby looks freaky. Imagine they made a Chucky doll like that.

sexblog said...

ok im scared :|

Shockwave said...

What will the Japanese do next?

Anonymous said...

kill it with FIRE

JustDarki said...

Creeps the heck out of me..

Isiriak said...

awesome and creppy at the same time ! ^^

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