Alright so after scouting online trying to find out what will power the new Android Phones I found this nice looking piece of hardware. Its the Tegra 2 processor from nVidia which is Dual Core. Putting it to understandable perspective this processor is good enough to run a netbook/laptop so imagine the possibilities by putting it on a Smartphone. Graphics will be on par to most hand-held gaming devices as well as the video output being around the "True" HD factor. Now the questions popping up everywhere are that of, will laptops and net books become obsolete due to Tablets and Smartphones becoming more and more powerful and being able to do much more. I honestly don't think so but if this trend continues, that is exactly what might happen.
Get a hold of this "nVidia plans to unveil the Tegra 3 processor at the upcoming World Mobile Congress that partakes in Barcelona." We will just be getting a taste of the dual core Tegra 2 processor this year and nVidia already has the Tegra 3 done. Technology at its finest.
cool Its amazing to think the make these things double in speed every 18 months.
Sad thing is I claim to know about these things, never realize how awesome they actually were
Something that fast is going in a smart phone? Soon it will be irrelevant to even have a PC anymore. Have not seen a good PC CPU come around in the past few months though, maybe a shift in market demand for the smartphones?
my moto droid is jelly.
Didnt know that, great info!
I need to find an asian to make me one of those..
Wow that's pretty interesting!
Wow, dual cores on smart phones already? They are advancing at such a fast rate!
I've always wondered... why are CPU's so expensive for PC's? It's unbelievable!
Anyway, following!
this is too much power for me to handle!
Pretty soon desktops will be obsolete.
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