This is an interesting info-graph depicting the many banking methods used currently. In some way it basically demonstrates the form on baking technology currently present in our society and go we go about using banks to get money. Just notice the great percentage of online banking and its astronomical rise from 2010 into 2011, showing we are in fact moving more and more away physically and going "cyber" or as some others call it "Online connected".
You can also check out the other post I made on future credit card called "Credit Card 2.0" at
"link" and make connections into the future of the banking industry.
Big thanks to LiveScience for making it publicly available and allowing use of such info graphic.
Those are speedy rates. Next thing you know, future generations aren't going to even know how to deposit a check by hand.
Gret info man! Good post!
We've been using internet banking back home since forever.
wow this chart is really great, i will print it to talk about it with one of my professor who always talk about banks and stuff :p
Cool article, since i've opened up my account i find online banking to be so much easier. no surprise its become so popular
Wow, online bankin has really taken off! very interesting as usual!
good info :)
Wow that is a huge jump from 2010 to 2011, that's crazy. I'm glad they're deciding to NOT charge people for using debit cards, good on them.
This is some crazy stats.
yea, being in the tech field... i just cant trust online banking.... a 128 bit encryption is considered 'secure' when its not.... i mean RSA was considered flawed for like a year, and there have bene attacks against it that have proven successful.... yet thats what banks usually use to encrypt data.
im a student going into college, but i have never done any online banking... the closest thing is paypal, and i use prepaid visa cards to put money into paypal when needed.
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