Researchers in Switzerland are developing cars with an ultimate ability in the realm of intelligence and technology, ability to read our minds.Over at EFPL they have been creating and developing a wheelchair thought controlled system in which the cars can anticipate a driver's next move.With the help on environmental and bio-metric indicators, cars will be able to get ready for an upcoming task the driver has already thought off beforehand. According to one researcher, "People will soon be able to wake up and get behind one of these cars. They will only need to think of the commands and the car will do all the work. That is our goal so get ready to donate your car, get ready to drop everything with your current car, registration, insurance and prepare to get a car of the future".-Jose Del R Millan. These tasks for example can be anything from changing lanes, slowing down, to even get ready for a turn. Using brain censors well as brain activity and eye movement patterns to make these predictions. There are other methods to achieve the same method of reading a persons mind and predict what there next move is but the way to do that requires a lot pf testing and the person to be in deep thought for instance to avoid mixed signals. Nissan and its researchers want to change that and implement it onto a vehicle and make a a wonderful change in the way we drive. Now this may be in a way later down the road connected to an auto-driving system such as those you may have seen on films. For now we will still use our own to hands to make those left and right turns but who knows, Jose Millan said we will donate our cars and open our driveways to future cars that will change everything. I cant anything else other than elt it happen, technology is always good. (Nissan, Popsci, Swizz Research)
i really hope this can help handicapped people!
This is amazing technology, I hope it works out.
I cant imagine how this would work, this is fascinating! Great post as always!
I hope it works...
... what if you're drunk?
I'm kidding.
damn that's cool. technology is getting so much more impressive....
i rly want an augmented reality overlay on my windshield though.... or some AR glasses.....
What happens if you want to crash?
Oh nice Nissan! This blog post is great. I've been reading your blog posts regularly and I think they're great! Keep up the excellent work! Followed!
Now that's scary.
wow, that's awesome
Mind reading is a boundary which should not be broken I think, eventually it will be turned against us, think about the consequences...
I can't believe how much science has evolved.
Yeah, this is actually very spooky...what if you have "bad thoughts" while driving?
Nice post! I´m glad i´ve came back!
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This is great. This could be really useful to the handicapped.
Can't wait until cars can drive themselves.
this will be awesome when the time comes. i love technology like this.
I cant wait for this even though if it comes out it'll be very very expensive
More and more companies are messing with neurology, its all good and fun until everyone falls into a coma.
thats sick!!
that is great news.
when i was 17 i broke my neck and i was wheelchair bound. Though I recovered i met spinal cord patients that never will.
with loss of all body movement this could be revolutionary.
It sounds like a good idea but what if a mentally ill person fantasizes about a car crash or crashing into somebody? What if someone gets really mad and thinks about accelerating but doesn't actually do it? Will the car accelerate anyways? Questions to ponder...
It means that the driver will still need to use their mind so they can't be distracted by cell phone use or conversations since they need to "think" commands.
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