Japan's Dominos Pizza division has announced plans to open up shop in space; or more specifically on the moon. Many see this as a publicity war most directly linked to rival Pizza Hut as they set a high standard by delivering a pizza to astronauts at the International Space Station in 2001. To fight back at that stunt Dominos paid one person 2.5 Million Yen (£20,046 ) to deliver pizzas for an hour. The competition just has gotten higher as the construction company, Maeda Corp, coming up with a dome-shaped Domino's restaurant in the lunar surface. With the company estimating the whole project to cost 1.67 Trillion yen and of which 560Y Billion (£4.5 billion) will be used to transport 70 tons of construction materials and pizza related equipment on 15 rockets. This project is completely insane as if it even actually goes through, why would a restaurant be required on the moon and or even space for that matter. Would people have to do web conferencing calls to that base to order. Although the future is expected to be home to people living on bases just as they would at home, wouldn't it be better to wait for that to happen rather than open up shop at such an expensive price tag. Unless Astronauts use web conferencing to place orders from the Space Station, who would exactly be ordering. It could just be a total publicity stunt to spread word of mouth around but having a construction company already in talks shows how serious Dominos Pizza actually is. (Sources: The Telegraph, Popsci, Dominoes News, Maeda Corp
Haha I love it
Awesome, floating pizza anyone?
hahaha! Have to admit this is one creative marketing stunt. And no they won't go through with it.
In Helicanus may you well descry Following!
its too brilliant
This is just... Man, no, it's wrong
That is ridiculous. No way that actually go through with it.
Haha, that's pretty sweet!
Wow, amazing.
lmfao! i think thats a fukin brilliant idea xD i laughed so much wen i was reading this!
Source: The Onion...lol
Damn, I could really for some Moon Pizza.
This would be amazing.
If they deliver, will they send a rocket to your house?
JAPAN has always had weird way of thinking, but thats how they have been able to come up with some of the best technology on the planet, dominos in space, kinda farfetched but it might lead some kind of path to a better future.
They probably won't go through with it but I appreciate the ambition.
This is amazing! To think Japan is starting to build on the moon. Brilliant.
lmaooooo, actually joke this is
lol crazy what they think
Imagine how much the dough would rise on such low gravity.......
Wow! interesting, man!
Lol, only the japanese would do such thing...
haha amazing! :D
When we start exploring cosmos, we're gonna be in serious need of food delivery. Thank God they got it covered.
Show'd my friend this, I still can't believe this is true. Ridiculous.
I cant wait!!!
And now I want a pizza....
Hard to belive its true:]
I cant belive that will be possile!
Yay! Space pizza! 0.0
Pizza... IN SPACE
marketing's going wild!
Dude, no frickin way. Don't know how I feel about this. Japan be crazy man
This is so dope :P
I mean it's a cool idea and all... but it is a colossal waste of money. Especially with so many countries in economic turmoil. Why waste money on crap like this. I hope it's just a stunt and doesn't go through.
While it is a gigantic waste of money, I'm more impressed that Domino's actually believes they have that kind of money to throw around. I thought they were in the piss with all their reinvention campaigns going on the last year.
Only in Japan
Lol, this is so weird man... :-D
haha awesome
no way!
...these crazy Japanese..what they'll think of next!
dam japan
Looks great!
Dude, I would totally go for this.
can you imagine if this actually happened
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