Well this is post isn't tech-savvy per say but its pretty cool what can come out from deep withing the jungles of the drug capital. Drug kingpins have gone to great lengths to get their products out there and they have even reached the stage of using homemade submarines. Below you will find the pictures of their such creations.
Is that for real? Lawl!
The only subs I like have some good cold cuts on them.
I'm lovin your blog. some incredible posts you got here
Damn, I want my own personal submarine too!
I wonder what h.g wells thinks of this.
Where this is a will there is a way
You should watch a documentary called Cocaine Cowboys. It's epic.
This is good to know when i need to smuggle my drugs :p
Crazy, they'll try everything if there is big amounts of money involved.
That's crazy, they must seriously mean business
Finally, now I know how I can get into the business
Well hell if they make home made submarine i should be able to turn on e out no problem :)
Wow... they'll try anything. There was a biplane full of coke that crashed yesterday. I lol'd.
home made submarine? wow
That's some really crazy stuff! I hope they get caught! Epic blog, following.[:
I watched a documentary on this, very crazy stuff
That's pretty crazy stuff. Who knew drug dealers were such clever fellows?
Cool stuff, waiting on that new post.
Wow, neat stuff.
I want a yellow submarine
Oh, never been much interested in drugs, but this is kinda interesting :)
LOL, pretty good
wow, if this is for real that's pretty extreme
I had no idea that's how it was done!
not bad, too bad he was caught, lost a lot of money haha
I'd love to be able to write off a submarine as a business expense.
Crazy. Good information. Thanks for sharing.
That's pretty crazy stuff. Is that really what they use?
Claustrophobic here ... keep your subs away from me. Just thinking about getting into one of these tiny things makes me sweat.
man that looks so badass
This is amazing, but not so wierd considering the amounts of money involved
Wow thats insane.
They sure have some crazy ideas :S
More interesting posts needed! =D
Damn, there is not limit for drug lords!
That second picture looks like the CSN Hunley, the first submarine in marine warfare ever. Not that that is a good thing. The Hunley sank 3 times, and killed everyone on board each time.
lol, wow man, that's unreal. Pretty innovative too I'd say.
ive heard of them swallowing small bags of cocaine to conceal it
Everything is possible today... wow...
woah. I wonder how much they smuggle at a time
pretty ingenious
wow heard about this in the news - interesting stuff.
have a look at my blog if you like you love you lose threads my friend
waw this is crazy... i had no idea
pretty smart!
I can't decide whether this is more on the cool side or the scary side of things...
That's cool, but really goes to show how dedicated these drug guys really are.
Very innovative lot, you gotta give 'em that!
when will be the time for the drug mafias to invent teletransportation... i wonder
super informative blog, following this for sure!
Awesome post, very interesting. Thanks!
thats insane! how could... how... idek..
wow, that's crazy...
Genius and dumb at the same time...
thats insane!!!!!!! *flwd*
Wait till they start hiding submarines in people's butts and try to smuggle them over that way!
I have seen this yesterday on TV
hahaha thats good stuff
man thats crazy. cool as shit though
Bookmarked for future reading and distribution to collegues AWESOME haha
So freaky. Who can think of submarines filled with tons of cocain :D. Sadly they failed ;).
Amazing post... I learned about ;P
+following and supporting! :)
Way more complex then I thought it would be
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