Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SeGa Piss Game

Sega has placed a game in a Japanese bathroom to um.. offer a better user experience and advertise as well. Japan is well known for its weird but cool stuff and this thing is just another one of those. The games objective is to aim your piss at the target in the bathroom stall as seen on the video and try to get the most points. At the moment its only for male bathrooms and you can guess why. It looks very entertaining to say the least. Some of the reasons of putting such a game in a bathroom is too "help keep bathrooms cleaner" according to the establishment. See the video for yourself right below.


Cowbellrocker said...

That's so awesome.

Unknown said...

I'd prefer the 'aim and shoot, aim and shoot' game like Duck Hunt instead. Especially in a bar! Oh the fun..

Rad Thad said...

Not really sure if I want or not.
This could be really big in American bars

!sense! said...

that game I want. I want 30 sec quik piss pacman. or super smash. maybe even call of dudy. lol

Anonymous said...

Only two things to say. Lol wut?

Rose said...

ive seen this before. need one for girls though

Bassislv said...

hahahaha now that was crazy, well, kind of expected as it's from Japan

metalpark_73189 said...

hahahahaha lol wut? LMFAO

TheEskhaton said...

japan is epic win

Polybius said...

Well, this looks like an interesting activity...

teampl4yer said...

they're so technologically diverse and advanced, jealous is what I am, nothing is what I will do about it!

Maus-c said...


martbrink said...

Sega isn't the first to do this!
Saw it before in switzerland and austria!
PS: yes I played it :D

Kai-Rin said...

The thing about something like this though is that people alraedy take far to long on the bathroom and now?

but u gotta hand it to them this is pretty ingenious :P

murz90 said...

Saw this some time ago. Well... It's Japan :D

What a wonderful world said...

Japanese people are ... special (at least). ;)

fadedline17 said...

Only in Japan, only in Japan.

jake7291 said...

hahah what!?

Killuvogel said...

they know what they are doing i would drink tea all day to play that game

GregMitchell said...

only the japanese could come up with something so awesome.following for more

A Beer for the Shower said...

I can't wait for the version for taking a crap. Maybe a tic-tac-toe format?

Public Confessions said...

me too man

-anonymous public confessions

Cpt Pownzor said...

im peein NAWW im playin a game!

Choms1337 said...

hehe, sega is a legend :D

HéxXxèN said...

"LOL WUT " nice post Bro.

Johnny Drama said...

LOL WUT haha i love it. Followed.

Gamerman's Gaming Blog said...

Hahaha, oh Japan.
Great stuff.

madotsuki said...

I want a urinal Wii controller.

jimmy1811 said...

japanese people...... no comment on that :o

afrodude50 said...

I would drink so much water...

FIAIN said...

I already play a similar game in my mind

stan said...

what will they think of next

The Spotlight said...

I could really use this on the crapper!!!

Zennith said...

Functional and entertaining lol

BambooStickk said...


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